Zebra bookshelf

I am sooo happy at how this turned out. I got this bookshelf off of Craigslist and redid it for my girls' room. I forgot to take a total before picture, but here it is after I primed it...some of the ugliness is still showing.I saw this great idea at Thrifty Decor Chick where she covered corkboard in material and put it in the back of the shelves, and it made such a difference in the bookshelf, so I knew I had to do that. The only difference for me was that when I went to buy corkboard, it was going to be $20! That's about what I paid for the whole bookshelf. Not happening. Maybe it's cheaper at a dollar store though. So I came home and used cardboard. It worked just fine.
Vwa La! You just measure the backs, cut your board and fabric and hot glue it around the edges. Pop it in & beautifullness (that's not really a word, is it).
Of course then I had to put in all the books, not as cute, but I guess I can't leave it empty just because I like the zebra print showing. :)
I just had an idea about what to put in the bottom storage place...I'll share it if it turns out like I have it imagined.

Tea Party

The Tea Party was a success! At least I thought so. This was the cake...before the handle and spout fell off. Of course, I could have left that detail out and you would have never known. But for suggestions when making your own...don't use the homemade marshmallow fondant.

It worked great for the decorations on the teapot, but as my friend had told me, it doesn't hold its shape when you freeze it. Even though it comes out hard as a rock, don't let it fool you. It will slowly start drooping. :P
I made this pinata during the week. The birthday girl helped me out. It made for a fun project and a fun activity at the party...something active besides sipping tea.

The boys wore: top hats I made out of construction paper and old ties.
The girls wore: dress up dresses, easter hats, boas, dress up shoes etc.
We ate: chocolate covered strawberries, grapes, crackers & cheese, watermelon, cake & ice cream
Other junk food: ring pops, candy bracelets & rings, and a pinata full of other candy

It was so much fun to plan and put on. I'm glad my little girl had a great birthday.

Cakes On The Mind

I'm in the process of planning my daughter's 4th birthday party and am so excited about making her cake. I always have fun, and love it when they like them too.
Can it get stressful? Um, well, yeah, but in the end it's so fun to see her face.
I try to plan ahead so I'm not stressed, hopefully that works this time.

So I thought I would share the cakes/cupcakes I've made in the past.My daughter's 1st birthday.
My other daughter's 1st. Bad shot of them, but you get the idea.
My daughter's 3rd b-day. For the longest this is the one she wanted for her 4th also. Good thing she changed her mind.
We're big OU fans, so I had to represent with cupcakes at our football party.
My hubby's 30th b-day cake. He wanted a certain strawberry cake, not a generic one that was decorated.2 baby shower cakes...I love making these cute babies.

My goal for this b-day is a tea set! I'll post plenty of pictures.