Strawberry Shortcake Cake

My little girl turned 3 in August and wanted nothing more than a Strawberry Shortcake Party.

I decided to try a Topsy Turvy Cake for the first time.
This made WAY too much cake for just 9 mouths. It ended up being part of their take home goodie bag.

I had totally planned to take pictures throughout the process, but didn't do too good of a job. One day I will actually do a tutorial of something on this blog. Hopefully that day is soon...

If you really want to know how to make a Topsy Turvy cake just google it and you'll find a few different versions of how to do one.

However, I do have a couple of tips that will make cake making easier.

First make your cakes not stick to the pan trace your pan onto 2 layers of paper towels. Cut it out, stick that in the bottom of your pan and pour your batter directly onto the paper towel. You don't have to grease the sides or anything and it will come out great! Just be sure to run a knife around the outside edge before taking it out.Simply peel the paper towel off the bottom and you've done it.
(Thanks to my friend Nicci who taught me that trick.)
Another tip I have learned is to freeze or refrigerate your cakes after wrapping them in seran wrap.This makes them not so crumbly and it's easier to cut and shape, especially for a cake like this one.

The last tip to remember when making a Topsy Turvy Cake...
don't eat all of the parts that you have to cut off, because you won't want cake for a month.


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