Accidental Experiment

My 3 girls got roses for Valentine's Day.  I was looking at them yesterday and was shocked at how sad 2 of them look, since we got them at the same time from the same place and they started out looking the same.

I had taken one to my 1st grader at school and had fixed it all up in a vase for her.  The other 2 I gave to the girls in their plastic outer wrap and then just stuck them in a big vase afterwards.

What I finally realized was that I had cut the end of the stem on the one I sent to the school, and had forgotten to with the others...therefore, my accidental experiment came about.

This may not be a huge realization to most, but I hadn't ever seen the difference for myself.  And if you haven't either, here it is. 
The one on the left had its stem clipped and the other 2 didn't.
So if you get roses, don't forget to snip the bottom of the stem about an inch up at an angle.  It really does make a difference.


1 comment:

  1. You know what? I snipped those Law Wives roses AFTER they looked dead and brown and they perked right up! I couldn't believe it. So we've been doing that to roses ever since.


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