My 1st Mod Podge Project

I couldn't figure out what to do with these. The part with the peppers is a glass and I think you could use them for pretty pot holders on your table. I never did, but that's just b/c I probably never thought of them while they were hanging on my wall.This is the only picture I can find of them as they were before (even though I know I have a better one). I changed my kitchen/dining area theme from peppers to an Italy/European type of decor.
So this is what I came up with. I think my friend may have mentioned it actually. I found some beautiful scrapbook paper at Michael's and Mod Podged them on top of the peppers. Worked wonders!
I love them!
I just started another Mod Podge Project. I found these at the Thrift Store all for 75 cents. This is the before...I'm turning them into little jewelry boxes for my girls for Christmas.
Stay tuned for the finished product...which is hopefully before Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. isn't mod podge the best? wonderful work turning something you didn't want anymore into beautiful art for your home!! looking forward to seeing the boxes when they're done.


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