So, a couple weeks ago I started cutting up the turtleneck on one of my old sweaters and had a thought..."this would make such a cute little girls dress, maybe I shouldn't cut the neck off." I didn't listen to that thought and cut away.
2 days later I saw this adorable dress that Make It and Love It showed how to do and that gave me the little push I needed to actually make the dress.
I took my old sweater...with neck cut off,
and one of my hubbie's old sweaters
and they turned out like this...
I left them a little long, but you could always make them whatever length you want. I also added ruffles to the neck and sleeves on the one that I had chopped off the neck. And ruffles on the brown one for two reasons 1) I had to cover up the little green logo that ended up under the armpit and 2) my 4 year old looked a little like a Bible character with the long brown robe like thing going on.
2 days later I saw this adorable dress that Make It and Love It showed how to do and that gave me the little push I needed to actually make the dress.
I took my old sweater...with neck cut off,
and one of my hubbie's old sweaters
and they turned out like this...
I left them a little long, but you could always make them whatever length you want. I also added ruffles to the neck and sleeves on the one that I had chopped off the neck. And ruffles on the brown one for two reasons 1) I had to cover up the little green logo that ended up under the armpit and 2) my 4 year old looked a little like a Bible character with the long brown robe like thing going on.
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